Theme: Giggle Wiggle
If I were an elephant
With a big long trunk
I would wave it left and right
Wave it like a flag
Wave it wave it left and right
Wave it like a flag
In the rain or in the sun
Wave it wave it left and right
Wave your trunk-it’s so much fun
If I were an elephant
With a nice strong tail
I would wave it side to side
Drive the flies away
Wave it wave it side to side
Wave it along the way
In the rain or in the sun
Wave it wave it side to side.
Drive the flies a- way-ay-ay
If I were an elephant
When the sun is high
I would wave my ears like fans
To stay cool and dry
Wave your ears like elephants
Wave them like two big fans
Wave them up wave them down
Wave your ears like elephants
Make some wind a -all around
Make some wind a-all around
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