Theme: The Egg Band
The Emperor is here!
The Emperor is here!
Look at his brand new clothes!
The Emperor is here
Come on, come on let’s cheer!
Come on, come on let’s cheer!
He’s wearing his brand new clothes
Come on, come on let’s cheer!
He thinks he’s very cool!
He thinks he’s very cool!
Oh but he doesn’t know it:
he was taken for a fool!
He thinks he’s very wise
He thinks he’s very smart
Oh but he was lied to,
He was cheated from the start!
The tailors told a lie!
The tailors sold a lie!
Oh this vain Emperor
There’s nothing he won’t buy!
He walks so proud and tall
He walks so proud and tall
Besides his underwear
He’s wearing nothing at all!!
He walks so proud and tall
He walks so proud and tall
But besides his underwear
He wears nothing at all!!
The Emperor new clothes,
The emperor new clothes,
The emperor new clothes.
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